Otra entrada mas de mi cutre vida XDDD
Hablemos de mi verano (?) XDDDDDDDDD
Fue aburrido, estuve buscando wi-fi para poder conectarme, la gente no me exo en falta i poco mas, playa cada dia (como la exo ahora de menos XD), cenar por ahi, vi Harry Potter y poco mas también fui a Aqualandia *-*. Benidorm da asco pero weno... no vayais a la playa de Levante, esta petada de gente XDDDDDDD
Despues volver a clase, como siempre XDDD pero me entretiene, esta tarde clase de seguridad i servicios i empresa FFFUUU XDDD y mi profe de Empresa es de Benifaio XD ke casualidad jajajaja i ya puedo decir ke en coche hay una hora XD
Ahora puedo decir perfectamente kien kiero en mi vida i kien no ._. cuando alguien me habla, me dice cosas i tal i cual se perfectamente ke me lo dice porque soy su amigo, aunque lo ke me este diciendo pueda no interesarme o pueda molestarme por cualquier aspecto, se ke no lo hace con mala intencion. Asi que gracias a todos los ke estan a mi lado =)
Pondre una cancion XDD
My Grandfather's clock - Angela Aki
My grandfather's clock was to large for the shelf,
So it stood ninety years on the floor;
It was taller by half than the old man himself,
Though it weighed not a pennyweight more.
It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born,
And was always his treasure and pride.
But it stopped short, Never to go again,
When the old man died..
In watching its pendulum swing to and fro,
Many hours had he spent while a boy;
And in childhood and manhood the clock seemed to know,
And to share both his grief and his joy.
For it struck twenty-four when he entered the door,
With a blooming and beautiful bride.
But it stopped short, Never to go again,
When the old man died..
Ninety years without slumbering
Tick, tock, tick, tock,
His life seconds numbering,
Tick, tock, tick, tock
It stopped short, Never to go again
When the old man died.
And it kept in its place, not a frown upon its face,
And its hands never hung by its side;
But it stopped short, Never to go again,
When the old man died..
It rang an alarm in the dead of the night,
An alarm that for years had been dumb;
And we know that his spirit was pluming its flight,
That his hour of departure had come.
Still the clock kept the time, with a soft muffled chime,
As we silently stood by his side;
But it stopped short, Never to go again,
When the old man died..
Bonito disco para relajarse XD, volvio a su piano i dejo la guitarra ._.
Crónicas de la bruja Amaranta
Hace 3 semanas