
Fuegos artificiales

Bubble Fireworks

Overflowing with people the lively festival at the end of August
I put on my yukata and geta as well making a clitter-clatter sound
That time we gazed up, the two of us at those fireworks that suddenly shot up
While you were staring, entranced, I softly looked at your face

It would have been better if I grew to dislike you
But on days like today, I'm sure I'll end up remembering again

If only I never knew of these emotions
Though we'll never be able to meet again
I want, I want to see you so much
Even now I think of that summer day when you were here

When, a little tired out, the two of us sit down at the side of the road
We hear distantly the sound of the festival band ringing out "Hyu-ru-ri-ra"
In the night sky there blossomed a great, a big Brocade Crown
Soon summer will be over
The thought pains in my heart

An upside-down heart fired into the sky
We laughed together, "Ah-ha-ha"
"I love you", and we kissed

Oh let me forget, forget everything about you
Because it's breaking my heart
Why did we ever meet each other, I wonder?
If I close my eyes, it's as if you are still right there

With a sweet sigh, still carrying a slight fever, I fell in love with you
With your voice
With your eyes
Before I knew it, time was slipping on past
But still I search for your face

The fireworks I gaze at, all alone, gave my heart a sharp pain
Soon now, the next season shall come around
I gazed with you at those transient fireworks
Even now I think of that summer day

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